The Parish Council
Our Parish Council consists of five elected Councillors who are assisted by our Parish Clerk. In order to qualify as a candidate a person must be resident in the Parish and a registered voter. The councillors are elected for a period of four years. If, at the time of the election, the number of persons standing is less than or equal to the number of vacant posts there is no election and they are elected ‘unopposed’. This means that there is no financial cost to the Parish. All Councillors are required to complete a Declaration of Interests in the Parish which is published on the South Glos website. In addition Councillors are required to declare any interest which may influence their decision-making at the start of each meeting.
In the event of a Councillor resigning during their term of office, or failing to attend six meetings in a row then a “Casual Vacancy” arises. This is then advertised and depending on the amount of interest in the position, the Parish Council can decide to “Co-Opt” a person onto the Council. They remain in post until the next election.
The Parish Council is funded by the “Precept” – details of which appear on Council Tax Demands issued by South Gloucestershire Council in March each year. The Parish Council sets its own budget from which it has to meet its expenditure. In our case this covers maintenance of the playing field (including insurance), paying for cutting of grass verges, the provision of some grit bins for the roads and other items
Community Playing Field
The Acton Turville Parish Council is responsible for a community ‘leisure’ area on the outskirts of the village located opposite Trinity School on Littleton Drew road. It comprises a childrens play park, a football space with goal posts and a tennis court. The operation of the tennis court is supported by the Acton Turville Tennis Club and more information can be found on their web site.